FAQ for Recruiters

add a vacancy

from the home screen select the option 'Advertise/Manage Vacancies'. However you need to sign-in /register in order to advertise your vacancy. *note - you can only add 5 vacancies at one time.

edit or remove a vacancy

once you've added your vacancy you can select the 'Edit' option on the 'Advertise/Manage Vacancies' screen. You can then click on the appropriate button ('Edit', 'Pause' or 'Delete') under the ad.

why does my vacancy not show up in search result

there could be various reasons, if time/date you've added for your vacancy has passed, the postcode you have entered is invalid, if your advert is reported for spam it could be under review

see potential employees

from the home screen select 'See Potential Employees' option on the home screen you can see potential employees nearby. you need to sign-in, advertise your vacancy to see their details and the entire list.

get in touch with potential employers

from the employee detail page you can text, call or email them. you can also get in touch via twitter or linked-in

increase the search area

from the app setting page, click on 'My Area' and choose the search radius, by default it's 100 Miles

sort the available candidates

on the "See Potential Employees" page you will be shown all nearby candidates, you can then sort them by category, pay, map or you can search (top right corner) by location, map and keywords.

FAQ for Candidates

search for jobs

when you click "See Available Jobs" option on the home screen you can see job opportunities near you (within a radius of 100 mile).

see job details

once signed-in you can click on a job that interest you (you need to sign-in to see the job detail and see all available opportunities.)

get in touch with business / employer

there are various options on the job detail page (depending on the recruiters preferred option) you can call, text or email them.

get to know more about the business / employer

we advise you to know more about the company before meeting them via their linkedin, twitter and facebook links (where provided)

stop showing up in search results

from the app setting page, click on 'Status' and select the option 'Not Looking', by default its 'Looking'

edit the search area

from the app setting page, click on 'My Area' and choose the search radius, by default it's 100 Miles

stop the pings

from the app setting page, click on Pings and select the option 'Off', by default it's 'On'

sort the available opportunities

by default you will be shown all available job listings, you can then sort them by category, pay, map, time (time starting and time added) or search (top right corner) by location, map and keywords

report spam adverts

from job detail page click on report spam

delete my account

from the setting page, select the option 'Delete my account'. However once you delete your account, it won't be possible to retrieve your information.


For more information contact us

hello@workaround.me / @WorkAroundme